Conventional Loan Down Payment Requirements

When you decide to purchase a home, you’ll not end your loan option list without looking into convectional Loan. It’s a type of mortgage loan from private lenders usually not insured or guaranteed by any government agency.

In the US, conventional loans are the most popular for home buyers. According to statistics, more than 60% of home buyers looking for financial support take this type of mortgage. Though there are some differences, conventional Loan fulfills all the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae standards. That makes the Loan a conforming loan. 

Conventional loans are a bit strict on the requirements in comparison to those loans that are government-backed. When it comes to taking the Loan, the minimum down payment will depend on a variety of factors. That gives one a range of options. To most of the credit lending companies, the minimum down payment will range from 3-20%. You can consider no monthly private mortgage insurance, the PMI, but with a down payment that is of at least 20%. The more considerable the amount of the Loan, the higher the interest down payment needed.

Note that, the mortgage insurance will get canceled if the home equity gets to 20%. Additional requirement for one to qualify for these mortgage include;

•    A credit score of 640+

•    A minimum of two years of continuous employment history

•    Must be receiving income through accredited W2’s Tax returns.

•    Also, 2-3 months in mortgage repayment in reverse funds.

The main advantage of this type of mortgage is the conventional 97 loan that requires only 3% down payment. The down payment is lower than what the FHA requires. Another thing is that conventional loans will need no up-front PMI, and accepts most of the properties. Also, it has a cheaper PMI in comparison to the FHA.

The above are a few of the points that will help you understand conventional loan minimum down payment in the right way. Pay attention to every detail and see why most home buyers prefer this type of mortgage.